




      “结婚打麻将”仪式,可以说是女方婚宴的核心环节,也是新婚习俗之中最重要的环节。其中包括发牌、分庄、下底起拍、翻 means that wedding Mahjong is an important ritual during wedding ceremony. It is believed that playing Mahjong will bring a more intimate relationship between two newlyweds, making their relationship more solid. Playing wedding Mahjong is also regarded as a way of blessing. The rules of the game must be followed in order to follow the tradition and its full benefits.

      Firstly, players must understand the fundamentals of Mahjong rules. Each player is given 13 pieces or tiles along with four common tiles. In each round, the players take turn to obtain a tile from the wall or the other players. The objective of the game is to form a pattern from the tiles in hand or from other players. The winning combination is decided by the rules of the game.

      Secondly, there are some additional rules for the “wedding Mahjong” game. As this is a traditional wedding game, it is supposed to bring good luck and joy to the new couple. Thus, players should not aim to win but instead, they should play happily and make it a festive game. Players can also exchange pieces with one another as a way of wishing each other happiness.

      Thirdly, there are some rules for the Mahjong tiles. Couples should never use Mahjong tiles with numbers and images on it. This is to maintain the sanctity of the game. Lastly, they should not discard tiles at random. Instead, they should discard tiles carefully and thoughtfully. This is to prevent any ill fortune from befalling upon the new couple.

      To conclude, playing “wedding Mahjong” is a unique traditional wedding practice and there is no complete understanding without knowing its related rules. Every player should adhere to the said rules for it to be successful and meaningful. By doing so, the couple will be blessed with joy and love for many years to come.
